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Thread: 5VEU Hemi

  1. #121
    Olde mechanic Carport Converter oldeskewltoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    Quote Originally Posted by andrew_mx83 View Post
    Nice work, but I think that passage may be a bit small for idle air control... You'd normally want 1/2" min or better yet 5/8"
    EGR is 11mm diameter... Cold start injector hole is 15mm(19/32).....

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  2. #122
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic jondee86's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    It is not always necessary to have all the idle air passing thru a single
    opening. For example, the E92 4AGE uses the idle air bypass screw to
    supply a base amount of idle air and then makes adjustments to the
    total by means of a small PWM controlled IACV.

    If supplying enough air thru the EGR channel causes a problem, a
    similar strategy could be employed on this engine providing there is a
    programmable ECU available to control the IACV.

    Cheers... jondee86

  3. #123
    Olde mechanic Carport Converter oldeskewltoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    Quote Originally Posted by jondee86 View Post
    It is not always necessary to have all the idle air passing thru a single
    opening. For example, the E92 4AGE uses the idle air bypass screw to
    supply a base amount of idle air and then makes adjustments to the
    total by means of a small PWM controlled IACV.

    If supplying enough air thru the EGR channel causes a problem, a
    similar strategy could be employed on this engine providing there is a
    programmable ECU available to control the IACV.

    Cheers... jondee86
    This throttle body does not have an idle circuit built in, and the throttle lever is set and there is no adjustment*. As far as an ECU, nothing as of yet has been decided - but do to the funky distributor, the system will have to be capable. (* - there is a throttle set screw, but neither side has a method to change it)

    Speaking about the throttle body.........

    This is the Ford throttle bodies underside. The throttle stop is circled. When I first tried to install the throttle body after slotting the bolt holes, the throttle stop made opening the throttle body impossible. After all, it fit the Ford 5.4 fine. The issue for me was significant interference. So bad, that I felt my only path was removal, and I'd design a different system for the stop, but once removed(bottom panel in above photo) and I noticed in the sweep of the throttle lever that I might be able to keep enough of the stop to both function, as well as bypass the manifold interference. After purchasing a 2nd used T/B, I managed to get a shape that seems to work!

    more to come.....
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  4. #124
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic jondee86's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    As the air velocity is low inside the intake plenum at idle, and the vacuum
    is strong, it really doesn't matter all that much where the idle air is introduced.
    Near the throttle is good but in the side or end of the plenum will also work.
    The Bosch type of ISCV shown in the pic is widely used on a range of different
    This one was apparently used on a number of small high-revving BMW V8's
    of around 4 litre capacity (1990's M62, S62 etc). I don't know the size of the
    connections, but they should be easy enough to find in any junkyard that
    wrecks older BMW's.

    This kind of valve can be mounted off the engine on the firewall or inner fender,
    and connected via vacuum hose to a suitable size hose fitting drilled and tapped
    into the plenum. This particular valve is a 3-wire type that requires two PWM
    outputs from your ECU. Air to the valve can be drawn from the intake ducting
    downstream of the intake air filter.

    Cheers... jondee86

  5. #125
    Olde mechanic Carport Converter oldeskewltoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    I have (from the days tuning Surreptious) a DIY Autotune IAC block that we tried to use on my smallport - it ended up not working because it was far to big for my smallport engine, and couldn't respond quickly enough. Its fittings are smaller then 11mm, but it uses a Jeep 4.0 liter IAC motor. Its a possible option...

    Right now my concerning is how to run the funky distributor and dual coils.......
    Information is POWER... learn the facts!!

  6. #126
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic jondee86's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    Quote Originally Posted by oldeskewltoy View Post
    Right now my concerning is how to run the funky distributor and dual coils.......
    Assuming that this is the distributor that you have....

    ... it should not be too difficult to get it running with any reasonably capable
    aftermarket ECU. The distributor appears to have (probably) VR sensors built-in
    and likely drives each bank separately with its own coil. Effectively two 4-cylinder
    distributors in a single housing. I'd recommend getting in touch with Haltech in
    Australia to see if they have ever done a 5VEU installation.

    Cheers... jondee86
    Last edited by jondee86; 24-05-2023 at 07:08 AM. Reason: Old age :(

  7. #127
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic jondee86's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    This gets interesting Each bank gets two plugs fired by the inner ring
    and two by the outer ring.

    What is the firing order ? OK, figured it out 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2. The coils take
    turns at firing a plug to make sure that they have enough dwell time at high
    rpm. The ECU just has to tell each coil when it is its turn to fire. This is the
    same technique as used on the 4AGZE and my basic ECU could handle that
    no problem.

    You will need a RPM signal and reset signal and it looks as so you can get
    both from the existing multi-tooth and single-tooth triggers in the distributor.

    You just have to brace yourself for the cost of a proper ECU

    Cheers... jondee86
    Last edited by jondee86; 25-05-2023 at 12:16 PM.

  8. #128
    Olde mechanic Carport Converter oldeskewltoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    plug locations (firing order) shows that rotation is clockwise, and that the distributor is like having dual 4 cyl distributors firing on sequential coils. The inner 4 are one set (cyl 1, 4, 6, 7) and the outer 4 are a second set (cyl 8, 3, 5, 2). My original guess for this configuration was not coil dwell recovery, as this engines peak power was at about 4400 - not very high... I'm GUESSING it has more to do with amount of advance/retard in the ignition that it was feared the spark could move(jump) either forward, or reverse an electrode depending on amount of advance/retard.....

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  9. #129
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic jondee86's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    This is the way I worked it out... seems to match the layout of the wires and the firing
    order is the same as a 1UZ. Yeah... post locations get a bit cramped on 8-cylinder
    distributors, so good practice to create two separate contact rings.

    I took the post (cylinder) numbers from your pic of the top of the cap.

    Cheers... jondee86

  10. #130
    Olde mechanic Carport Converter oldeskewltoy's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    custom made headers......



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  11. #131
    Junior Member Backyard Mechanic
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    Quote Originally Posted by jondee86 View Post
    This is the way I worked it out... seems to match the layout of the wires and the firing
    order is the same as a 1UZ. Yeah... post locations get a bit cramped on 8-cylinder
    distributors, so good practice to create two separate contact rings.

    I took the post (cylinder) numbers from your pic of the top of the cap.

    Cheers... jondee86
    Man that distributor looks exactly like the one for the Toyota 3-TG
    Duel Plgs for that four cylinder. Your ignition parts look like they should exchange rotor which was the impossible item when production stopped

  12. #132
    I don't want to be a Domestic Engineer bnicho's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5VEU Hemi

    THis is such a cool project. Can't wait to see it running. I'd love to see how one of these sits in my RS56 ute, but so hard to find one.
    Brett Nicholson (bnicho) - Greendale, Victoria
    I own Corollas, Crowns, Prados and
    Various leaking British things...

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