The Classic Vehicle Scheme ( Or Modified Historics) is up, running and Live.

Launched on December 19th 2016 the Toymods Car Club is now officially participating in the scheme.

Information and relevant links can be found here:

The basics for those who don't want to read everything are as follows.

Key Points:

# Your Vehicle must be 30 years or Older
# You must live in NSW
# Your vehicle must be garaged in NSW
# You must be an active participant within the Toymods car Club
# You must be a financial member of the Toymods Car Club
# Vehicles applying for or renewing their CVS registration must be inspected by the Toymods Plates registrar.
# Vehicle inspections take place at the Monthly Toymods Social meetings (3rd Monday off the Month)
# The CVS Scheme has the option of the 60 day Log book
# You will need a Blue Slip for the first year and a Pink Slip each year after that.
# Your vehicle is subject to the same standards as those on Full registration, if it is owner Certified with VSI 06 great, if it needs to be engineered, we need to see your engineers certificate.
# The CVS application process will take a few days or more to process, no we can’t speed this up.
# The administration fee for your CVS application is $45 and is paid to the Toymods Car Club ($20 goes to the Club for our time, $25 covers your CMC Application Fee which we pay on your behalf)

If that all sounds like you - check the info page and the RMS and CMC links so you can understand the process and the scheme.

If it all still sounds like you and you have more questions. Let us know.