whats the deal with all the weird names ? oddness ? or admin working
Most users ever online was 615, 30-06-2013 at 03:07 AM.
fixeruperer, AndrewD, anty109, arasta, Au2ZPuhnp0, Bananaman, CheeseBiscuits, Cuzzo, Dx9FUphla7, Dy0ZMdgox6, Ek8IDnjrg4, Ex1DPvxkq7, Fm7AKxbot3, Fw8RLsepo4, Ir7UVrhkz0, Ix6TDjuoa5, Javal, Jd5BWunqg3, Jo4KYmabz3, Jq8EZlbpg5, Konakid, Kube, Lx3ASjlcv5, Lx7YFtpuu8, matt RA 25, Nz8JNydhm5, oldcorollas*, Qa9FQixdb9, Qk5BMusej8, Rabbeh, RONA, Roundy, Sf0DPqlem3, stidnam, StuC, Ug2DKxrff1, Uo0LJzlzl2, Ux7TFbfcu3, Vo1PMudqz3, Vu1HWrrlj0, Wp1YGmiof3, Xf6VVnzbl1, Zf7YWgoas6, Zg8IHhyfe9
i dont have a funny or cool signature.
They've all been removed now
Thanks for the Heads up.