Awesome, count me in.
Hey everyone
The Toymods Car Club Xmas dinner is being held at 7pm, Sunday 15th December at The Ranch in Nth Ryde.
I've made a booking for 15-20 people but please post in the thread if you're coming or not so I can have an idea of numbers and change the booking appropriately.
This is a good chance for everyone to come and have a chat and maybe put some faces to names I promise that we're a friendly lot! Please feel free to bring family and friends, this is not a club-exclusive event, just a nice meal and a beer with good company.
Awesome, count me in.
Yep, also in
ed: Mebbe put on bookface?
Last edited by Bananaman; 03-12-2013 at 10:45 AM.
KE20 CA18DET / RN25 12R / IS200 1G / NA MX5 B6
The missus amd I will be at the dinner
89' MA70 Supra 1JZ Converted R154
Vice President
cheers guys
event us up on FB so feel free to add yourself to that and invite friends
I'll be there, flying solo though.
Sunday night dinner is a bit too much of a stretch for me, and I can't take the Monday off
AE102 - Charlene the Old Faithful, Reborn
JZZ30 - Lexi the Spacecruiser, 1JZGTE>>3SGE. 200rwkw, hunting Skylines and n00bs in SS Commodores
ST162 - Charlie the non-ghey Celica, 3SGE>>4AGE. GOOOOOOOONE
AE82 - Rosie the Bitsa from Hell, 70.8kw atw. Has been converted into garage space and money at last
KE55 - Billie the Beast, sadly missed
I will be there