i would be intrested in one, or maybe two (or 4)

is there anyway to easely modify one of theese to get it to fit 3sfe? i really would like to have an option for this too just to be able to drive the shit outa this engine.

depence on the price of course, but if it wasnt too bad i think i maybe could buy 4 and resell them.

i dont know how many u need to make for make a group sell/buy, but even if u make 10, dont u think they will be gone fast in the sale section? seems to me many people go thru a lot of work cuz of the dizzy problem, so i would think there is many thats intressted in theese parts

are u also making other custom fit parts for 3sge, if so, wich parts? i think i can buy and resell a few things like the intake, water outlet etc.

Machining cost a leg and half ur forskin here where i live, so if someone intressted in doing some machining of normal parts needed for 4age, 3sge convertions, i would be intressted.